Monthly Archives: April 2013

Sell or Tell?

I’m not much of a TV watcher, really.  That’s not an indictment on what’s on TV; not that I’m smug in saying that I don’t like what’s on TV, more that I just get easily bored as I seem to

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Why I love Kermit Gosnell and the Boston Bombers (The Gospel is Offensive)

  Sometimes life is like the movies. Sometimes, in the midst of a culture where the “bad guy” is just someone who disagrees with our political view, or who cheers for an “evil” sports team (Like Manchester United) we actually

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An Honest Response: “I love Jesus but hate Religion”

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians” “I’m a Christ-follower, but I oppose organized religion.” “I’m spiritual. I think Jesus was a great teacher, but the church needs to change.” There are almost endless variants of this

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An Honest Response: Science and the Christian Student

I’m happy to introduce the first-ever guest article on Marc5Solas. As there had been a great deal of interaction on the science front, I wanted to reach out to scientists who are christians and ask what they would say if

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